Commedia dell'arte workshop - May 2008
Room 23 at the Villa of Oplontis
Pipeline paradata for chromakey studio recording in preperation for virtual setting: Camera viewpoint from triclinium of lectus medius.

Photograph showing current state of Room 23 at the Villa of Oplontis.

3D visualisation of Room 23 created by Martin Blazeby, KVL.

Possible triclinium layout for Room 23 created by Martin Blazeby, KVL.

3D visualisation of Room 23 with hypothetical triclinium created by Martin Blazeby, KVL.

Location of the camera viewpoint 3m between ? and the actors.

Location of the camera viewpoint in Room 23.

Virtual calibration setup indicating actor heights and studio performance area.

Finalised backdrop rendering ready for edited chromakey video sequence.

Example screenshot showing composited actors.
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