V-Must: Virtual Museum Transnational Network
King's Visualisation Lab is a core member of this European Network of Excellence, which aims to provide the heritage sector with the tools and support to develop virtual museums that are educational, enjoyable, long-lasting and easy to maintain.
King's College London contributes to many of the Network's activities, and coordinates the Network's Training and Mobility Programme, which includes establishing annual training courses in several European countries; an international e-learning service on Virtual Museums; and a European-wide internship (mobility) scheme with associated bursaries. KVL runs an annual UK Virtual Heritage School on “Virtual Restoration and Reconstruction in a London Charter Framework”, which teaches 3d modelling of cultural heritage artefacts and monuments; virtual restoration of 2d artefacts with Photoshop; and implementing the London Charter and the Seville Principles.
For further information, visit the V-MUST Website: http://www.v-must.net
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