Implementing The London Charter in Second Life
April 2008 - September 2011
A collaborative project between Corso di Informatica Umanistica (INFOUMA), University of Pisa and KVL to develop tools and guides to aid in the implementation, in virtual worlds, of The London Charter. Funded by the British Council & Ministero dell'Universita e della Ricerca 2008.
The outcomes of the collaboration will include the publication, in Italian and English, of detailed guidelines for implementing the principles of The London Charter in Second Life, including a heritage visualisation ontology, and bi-lingual tools for implementing the Charter within Second Life, including:
- “in-world” interactive tutorials on the principles and practical implementation of The London Charter within MUVEs;
- a set of formally recommended methods and strategies to enable consistency, across projects, in the representation of varying levels of probability and of variant hypotheses where reconstructions include a degree of uncertainty;
- adaptable, exemplary “in-world” interfaces for delivering explanatory and interpretative materials (text, image, audio, video, interactive objects etc.) that make heritage visualisations “intellectually transparent”.
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